For information about the Workforce Investment Opportunity Act, view:

GCWDB Consortium Agreement & Bylaws

GCWDB Consortium Agreement

GCWDB Bylaws signed 10.12.2023

Please complete our surveys:

Green Country Job Seeker Survey

Green Country Employer Survey


Green Country Workforce utilizes data from various sources as well as the knowledge and expertise of our business-led board to determine what occupations are in demand in the Green Country Area. Click here to view the current Board approved Demand Occupation List for the Green Country Workforce Development Area.

GREEN COUNTRY WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD POLICIES: Below is a comprehensive list of all current GCWDB policies and procedures

Job Fair General Employment Application Form:

General Employment Application

Case Management Tools (for download):

Incumbent Worker Form:

Data Validation Forms:

Supportive Service Forms:

ITA Forms:

Misc. Forms:

Additional OJT Forms

Additional WEX Forms

Eligible Training Provider (ETP) Resources

Oklahoma Works, a proud partner of the American Job Center Network

Green Country Workforce is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.

View Babel Notice here.

This website and documents herein contain vital information about requirements, rights, determinations, and/or responsibilities for accessing workforce system services. Language services, including the interpretation/translation of this document, are available free of charge upon request. El sitio del internet y documentos contiene información importante sobre los requisitos, derechos, determinaciones y responsabilidades del acceso a los servicios del sistema de la fuerza laboral. Servicios de idioma, inclullen la interpretación y traducción de documentos, disponibles a pedido y sin ningún costo.

TDD/TTY: 1-800-722-0353


GCWDB is an Equal Opportunity Employer/ Program. Auxiliary aids & Services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. For questions or concerns, contact GCWDB’s Equal Opportunity Officer, Jeremy Frutchey, at 405-269-2821. Telephone Relay Service is available by dialing 711 or (800) 722-0353.

Green Country Workforce Development Board’s Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I program is 100 percent funded by the U.S. Department of Labor through awards totaling $3,930,167.57


Green Country Workforce Development Board
822 S. Muskogee Ave. Tahlequah, OK 74464

Jeremy Frutchey | Operations Manager/Equal Opportunity Officer
405-269-2821 | eo@greencountryworks.org

If you are interested in our Equal Opportunity Officer information or Local, State, and Federal Offices, Click HERE

Si está interesado en nuestra información sobre el Oficial de Igualdad de Oportunidades o las oficinas locales, estatales y federales, haga clic AQUÍ


Monday to Friday, 8:00AM-4:30PM Central Time