For information about the Workforce Investment Opportunity Act, view:
- The US Department of Labor's WIOA page.
- The US Department of Education's WIOA page; or
- The National Skills Coalition's analysis of WIOA.
GCWDB Consortium Agreement & Bylaws
GCWDB Consortium Agreement
GCWDB Bylaws signed 10.12.2023
Please complete our surveys:
Green Country Job Seeker Survey
Green Country Workforce utilizes data from various sources as well as the knowledge and expertise of our business-led board to determine what occupations are in demand in the Green Country Area. Click here to view the current Board approved Demand Occupation List for the Green Country Workforce Development Area.
GREEN COUNTRY WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT BOARD POLICIES: Below is a comprehensive list of all current GCWDB policies and procedures
- Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs Policy (PDF)
- After Business Hours Accommodations Policy (PDF)
- Center Certification Policy (PDF)
- Complaints Procedures Condensed (PDF)
- Conflict of Interest Policy (PDF)
- Data Validation & Source Documentation Policy (PDF)
- Demand Occupations Policy (PDF)
- Discrimination Complaint Procedures (PDF)
- EO Tag Line Policy (PDF)
- Incumbent Worker Training Policy (PDF)
- Individual Training Account Policy (PDF)
- Integration Policy (PDF)
- Internet User Policy (PDF)
- Limited English Language Proficiency Policy (PDF)
- Monitoring Policy (PDF)
- On The Job Training Policy (PDF)
- Priority of Service Policy (PDF)
- Memo 01-2023 re: Priority 5 Service 10.12.2023
- Programmatic Grievances & Complaints Policy (PDF)
- Public Participation Policy (PDF)
- Public Relations & Comment Policy (PDF)
- Request for Records Policy (PDF)
- Self Sufficiency Policy (PDF)
- Supportive Services Policy (PDF)
- Transitional Jobs Policy (PDF)
- Work Experience Policy (PDF)
- Youth Program Policy (PDF)
Job Fair General Employment Application Form:
General Employment Application
Case Management Tools (for download):
Incumbent Worker Form:
Data Validation Forms:
- Attachment A WIOA Income Eligibility Form 12.08.2022 FILLABLE
- Attachment B Client Involvement Statement FILLABLE
- Attachment C ITA Acknowledgement and Agreement Form 12.08.2022 FILLABLE
- Attachment D ITA Voucher Form 12.08.2022 FILLABLE
- Attachment E Coordination of Training Funds 01.17.2023 FILLABLE
- Attachment F WIOA Youth Eligibility Form 12.08.2022 FILLABLE
- Attachment G WIOA Youth Support Form 12.08.2022 FILLABLE
- Attachment H WIOA School Dropout Status Form 12.08.2022 FILLABLE
- Attachment I Youth Training Provider Procurement Form 12.08.2022 FILLABLE
- Attachment J Documents to Verify Eligibility to Work 12.08.2022
- Attachment K Applicant Statement 12.08.2022 FILLABLE
- Attachment L WIOA Participant Supplemental Wage Quarterly Exit Data Collection Form 12.08.2022 FILLABLE
- Attachment M Supplemental Wage Self-Employment Form 12.08.2022 FILLABLE
- Attachment N Wage Conversion Chart
- Attachment O Adult and DLW Eligibility 12.08.2022
Supportive Service Forms:
- Attachment J Supportive Service Tracking Tool
- Attachment I Supportive Service Voucher 12.08.2022 FILLABLE
- Attachment H Supportive Service Request FILLABLE
- No Other Services Available Form FILLABLE
- Non-Competitive Purchase Form FILLABLE
- Travel Reimbrusement Agreement FILLABLE
- Attendance Record FILLABLE
ITA Forms:
- Attachment A ITA Acknowledgement and Agreement Form 12.08.2022 FILLABLE
- Attachment B ITA Voucher Form 12.08.2022 FILLABLE
- Attachment C Coordination of Training Funds 01.17.2023 FILLABLE
- Attachment D Individual Training Account Request FILLABLE
- Attachment E ITA Checklist FILLABLE
- Attachment F ITA Prorated Tuition Worksheet FILLABLE
- Attachment G ITA Tracking Tool FILLABLE
Misc. Forms:
- GCWDB WIOA Application
- Attachment ZZ Vital Service and Information Notice
- GCWDB Referral to Oklahoma Works, Partners, &/or Resources
- GCWDB Telephone Verification Form
- GCWDB Acknowledgement of Grievance and Complaint Procedures
- GCWDB News Media and Media Production Release of Information
Additional OJT Forms
Additional WEX Forms
Eligible Training Provider (ETP) Resources
- ETP Quick Reference Guide
- ETP Registry Orientation PowerPoint Presentation
- ETP Register Local User Guide for Managing Programs on OKJobMatch.com
- GCW Demand Occupation List
- State ETP Registry Policy
- US Dept. of Labor Training and Employment Guidance Letters (TEGLs)
- Labor Market Information Resources
- O*NET, Occupational Information Network (free)
- EMSI - Labor market Analytics & Economic Data (paid services range from ongoing software subscriptions to one-time consulting projects)
- Other Helpful Tools:
- Cohort Conversion Chart for Program Performance Data - This is an interactive tool that allows an ETP to select a specific report quarter end date from a drop down and then the tool will update to clarify which cohorts are counted for each measure (not all apply) and under which reporting period (1 -year for initial program approval; 2-year for continued approval.)
- WIOA Wage Conversion Chart (Tool to convert to quarterly wages.) Here is the website your Local ETPR Administrator uses to convert wages.
- Workforce Integrated Performance Systems (WIPS)
- The Employment & Training Administration's Postsecondary Credential Attainment Decision Tree
Oklahoma Works, a proud partner of the American Job Center Network
Green Country Workforce is an equal opportunity employer/program. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities.
This website and documents herein contain vital information about requirements, rights, determinations, and/or responsibilities for accessing workforce system services. Language services, including the interpretation/translation of this document, are available free of charge upon request. El sitio del internet y documentos contiene información importante sobre los requisitos, derechos, determinaciones y responsabilidades del acceso a los servicios del sistema de la fuerza laboral. Servicios de idioma, inclullen la interpretación y traducción de documentos, disponibles a pedido y sin ningún costo.
TDD/TTY: 1-800-722-0353